Spring Cleanup List Begins with HVAC

To keep your house in top shape, give systems an annual checkup.

Spring cleaning is a tradition, but there are some other chores that should be part of your springtime routine, too. Most of them take only a few minutes, so get started!

1. Check your air-conditioning and heating equipment before the beginning of a new season.

2. Check and replace your furnace and air-conditioning filters every month. There are several types from which to choose, depending on your needs. Fiberglass filters last only one month, while the filters typically last three to four months. HEPA filters last up to six months and can be cleaned with a vacuum nozzle.

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Prep Your House for Vacation

Is your home vacation ready? HGTV Magazine tells you how to get things settled before leaving for your summer trip.

Never announce you’re away
Wait until you’re home to post vacation pics on Facebook, advises Allstate insurance agent Jim Towns. Also, turn off the volume on your home phone so the ringing won’t signal an opportunity to passersby, and don’t change your voice mail greeting to say you’re out of town.

Eliminate easy access
According to statistics from the FBI, 61% of burglars use force to gain entry, “but they’ll often look for open doors and windows first,” says Jim Towns. Check that all door and window locks are working (including windows on the second story), and repair any broken glass, particularly in basement windows. Bring in any hidden keys.

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